Trail Maintenance on the AT
In preparation for all the rain from hurricane Florence, my dad and I made last minute efforts to work on some water bars to help redirect water on the trail. My dad helps maintain a 1.8 mile section of the Appalachian Trail as a member of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC). The section runs through the southern end of Shenandoah National Park from Beagle Gap to McCormick Gap. It was nice to finally give back in a small way to this trail that I love so much… even if it was just digging several trenches in the dirt. Inspired by my brother’s and I’s thru-hike last year, my dad joined the PATC and rekindled his love for the outdoors. It’s pretty cool how much time he’s put into keeping up the trail and also all the trail magic he’s done for hikers. I definitely appreciate trail maintainers and while thru-hiking often thought about how I could give back. I hope to get out there and do some more work on the trail!